All our teams' projects have really come to life quickly with all sorts of imaginative designs. With everything from standard shoots, to zig-zag ramps, to full on pinball machines, this week's kids had no shortage of creativity on call. Here's a short photo summary of our progress.

Davi attaches zig zags to aide the ball bearing down the staircase.

Josh's team (now called the Ball Bearians) gets to work on their "Plinko" board.

Benjamin gets an assist while drilling from the clamps.

Christina trims a dowel on the chop saw.

Dante helps Dr. Elliot make sure his drill is perpendicular to the wood.

Griffin demonstrates great technique with the hand saw.

Griffins steps right up to the chop saw.

The wood waterfall comes to life. (Note the clean work space with all the screws neatly in a storage cup!)

Christina and Davi work together on attaching more zig zags.

No title necessary. Just look at these guys.

Kyle excelled with the handsaw and helped teach others who had never used it as well.

One of our favorite visual elements.

Elliot shares his amazing "plus plus" blocks during snack. How cool are these?

Testing time!

Celebratory moment!